I wanna talk about problem solving today. Everything has a solution. It’s just how much time you wanna put into it, or where you can get the resources to figure out the problem.
Do you have someone to talk to about it so that you can brainstorm? There’s a few things you can do to help figure out stuff. Something I’m famous for saying is like, let me marinate on that a bit.
I have learned not to just come up with a quick solution and try to go with that. Let me think about it for a bit, okay? Because somehow it always works out, and it’s something I’ve developed.
Maybe it’s a skill, something good, but usually I can figure it out. I need to talk to certain people. We just had a little brainstorming session with two of my staff.
Like, hey, we have an event coming up. What are we going to do differently? And we got on a phone call, and we talked through it 15 minutes later.
So we came up with a great solution that was different than what we normally do. And if we didn’t get together on that
“probably nothing would have happened. We would have done the same old thing.
Nothing would have changed. But we came up with a solution. We solved a problem that we didn’t want to happen again.
We didn’t want an unsuccessful event in our eyes. Problem solving happens in many different scenarios. It can happen for the gym, right?
I own a gym. What’s the problem? I’m overweight.
What’s the solution? Here’s how we can help you. Here’s three different options.
What do you want to try to do that? Everyone has a problem, and there’s a solution for it. If it’s something at your house, you can look it up.
Everything’s on YouTube now to problem solve. But the better you can get at problem solving, you understand your mindset shifts, and you can understand that you can handle anything. And when I mean anything, you know there’s, there’s certain things that are outside of your control.
But for the most part, you can control most of it if you can have patience and try to figure out the best solution. So changing your mindset from, I know I have the skills to handle anything that comes up, to, oh no, wha am I goig to do? Two different scenarios, Right?
“There’s always those people that are super dramatic, and then people that are like calm, even in crisis, that know somehow we’ll figure it out. We’ve got people we can talk to, internet to go to, someone in the business, we can reach out to someone, maybe we don’t know that we’ve seen do something that we’re stuck on. What am I missing from this scenario?
Okay? Someone reached out to me at the end about a lease agreement for a rental property, they just want to see what are they missing, right? So it’s reaching out to someone who has skill or knowledge in that, that could easily help you.
Or even just to talk about what the problem is. What’s a recent problem that you’ve had to solve? Right?
We have a problem at the house right now, and it’s the warranty for our floor. We’re sitting there, what? How are we going to solve this?
Because it’s not solving. We keep doing X, Y, Z. Maybe there i“I’m bringing weights home tonight, see if we can push the floor down where we cut to make a little more space. If not, I’m on to the next option, right? There’s always a way through it.
If you have some patience and perseverance, meaning you don’t give up right away, that’s usually where nothing gets solved, right? You’ve got to keep trying and trying and trying. We’re building, in my wife’s office, a rounded piece, cove, whatever you want to call it, archway behind her.
I don’t have the skills for that. She doesn’t have the skills for that. We’ve tried working on it together.
Now, I think I’ve found a way that I’m going to do it, but I haven’t given up. We’ve been busy for a few weeks, so I haven’t worked on it. But this weekend, my pain is to figure it out, because I’m persistent, and I know eventually I’ll find a video somewhere or talk to somebody that can tell me how to do it.
“And I know I’m going to get it done, because I’m not going to give up. It’s easy to give up. Everything takes so much time in learning and understanding.
But knowing that if you know you can figure it out, anything’s possible. What holds you back? Right?
You’ve got the problem-solving skills. What are those? Reach out to your resources.
Who can help me? Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Most people feel embarrassed to say they don’t know how to do something.
It’s okay. Let someone teach me. Why do we go to school?
Why do we take courses or weekend seminars? Because we’re looking to learn something that we don’t know that we can then apply to our daily lives. My wife always asks me, how did you know that or figure it out?
I’m like, I don’t know. Somewhere along the line in my 52 years, my old man knowledge, picked that up and I’ve learned it and been there. So now I have the answer from my experiences.”
“So that’s how some of your problem-solving skills will come up, is because you’ve experienced this before, you’ve learned how to handle it, and it’s not a problem anymore. That’s a quick, simple fix. Not all of them are simple, but everything has a way through it, okay?
So work on your problem-solving skills. I hope that helps. If you have any questions or need some help with something, please reach out.
You can find me on Facebook, social media, email me at scott@crossfitplainfield.com. Whatever is easiest, I’m always here to help problem-solve with you.