Stop Quitting

Written by Coach Scott

The #1 answer for this question to clients when asked:

“What is your greatest obstacle in achieving your goals?” ANSWER: “Being consistent!”

Everyone always starts with good intentions and good energy but then they quit. STOP F*&%ING QUITTING. 

We have 50-80 thousand thoughts a day.  That’s the little voice in your head telling you all kinds of things. You know what voice I’m talking about, it is so annoying sometimes. Most of the time that little voice is telling us bad things, such as –” it’s okay to eat the ice cream, you worked hard today, you deserve it. Or you walked a lot today at work. You don’t need to workout, you should go home and grab a beer and sit on the couch.” Sound familiar?

You need to be stronger than the little voice in your head. How do you do this?

1) Set some goals: write them down where you can see them, tell someone about them so it is out there in the world. 

2) Make a plan: “I’m going to walk the dog or read every morning.”  Do this for a month and be consistent before you add something else.

 3) Think of small steps that are going to change your lifestyle (1% better). Don’t pick the hardest diet or the craziest work possible. 

4) Focus on the bright spots each day, not the bad things that happen.

Yes, it’s going to be hard at times, probably very hard, but remember WHY you started. That WHY is what you will fall back on as the voice in your head tries to take over. Block the voice out with your WHY… that is your shield to keep you focused. The only person you let down when you quit is you, not anyone else. You have to help you, no one else can do it for you. This is a mindset shift. It will not happen overnight; it is something you need to work on. 

The goal is for you to win every day.  A win every day will keep you hungry and distracted from wanting to quit because you are too excited to get up tomorrow and get that win. No more quitting just winning.

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