
by Scott Romijn

Being a leader isn’t always easy. Sometimes you have to make a decision and you really don’t know what the right decision is. You use your collective knowledge and experience to make a guess, and sometimes it’s wrong. Just acknowledge it, change the decision and move on, it’s ok. It is all part of the learning process.

Make sure that the leaders you mentor understand this as well. They are not going to be perfect, they are going to make decisions differently than you and some may be wrong, that’s how they will grow as well.

Being a leader also means making sure that your Team has an understanding of the business.

Does the team know the vision/mission/values?

Do they understand what is expected of them?

Do they have a job description with corresponding roles and tasks?

Where they given a playbook with SOP’s (standardized operating procedures) on how to do their job?

Do they have metrics and goals associated with them to gage their performance?

Are they evaluated so they know where they are being successful and what needs improvement?

Has appropriate training been provided as well as ongoing?

Are you providing the appropriate LEADERSHIP AND DIRECTION?

When people are not performing to your expectations it is very hard to reprimand them or fire them when you know that you did not do everything you could to make them successful. It is your job to provide them with the necessary tools and LEAD them to success.

4 thoughts on “Leadership”

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