Workout tips from Coach Colleen

Working out during difficult times

With all the changes in the world lately, some of us are finding it harder and harder to make it to the gym on a consistent basis.

Rest assured there are things you can do at home or even on vacation to keep you from “losing your GAINS”.  Many of us know that all to familiar “start over” feeling if we take a few days off or heaven forbid a full week off.

Well here are some ways to avoid that feeling if you are busy or just unable to make it into the gym.

  1. Keep up with your nutrition. This is key to so many things but especially for fighting off infection.
  2. Keep it simple, take the stairs and walk as much as possible at work or on a trip. 
  3. Do a “Road WOD” – A Road WOD is a workout that can be done at home or in a hotel with little to no equipment. Simple, yet difficult body weight movements to keep you moving and sweating. There are a few places you can look for these WODs, but these are my top two places: MyWOD app, and  Remember to use a timer to increase your intensity and finish what you start.

Just because you don’t have a coach standing there pushing you to finish doesn’t mean you can’t push yourself. This is the perfect time to get your significant other, children, or sibling to try a Crossfit WOD with you.

Stay healthy, stay safe!

Coach Colleen

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